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How To Attract Talented Employees Using Your Website, Email, And Social Media

Feature   |   Posted: 03/09/2022
Posted by: Motorhead Digital


Finding the right fabricator, paint or electrical tech is hard, we'll show you how to up your game and get their attention.

By Barry Alt

How to attract talented employees key points

Finding the right fabricator, paint or electrical tech is hard, we’ll show you how to up your game and get their attention.

As the owner of an auto restoration, performance, race or restyling shop, if you don’t have an HR department you’re in charge of hiring and training your employees. In the current work climate, it’s harder than ever to find good talented staff.

Nobody checks the newspaper for a job opening or their local community bulletin board anymore. Most people probably don’t even know what a bulletin board is! Now, talented staff are finding their next job on the internet.

With the digital age of job searching taking over, you’re going to have to forget traditional methods of advertising open positions.

Your website, social media, and even your email list may be powerful tools for attracting customers, but they can also be used to attract new employees. In this article, we’ll cover the 9 steps you need to take in order to successfully use your online presence as an HR resource.

Today we’re going to show you how you can attract the right kinds of employees using your website, your email, and your social media and show you how to avoid the most common mistakes many shops are making.

1. Know who your target employee is

There is no point in advertising your vacant positions if you’re promoting them to the wrong types of employees. If you spend a whole lot of money on advertising to showcase your open positions, but they’re targeted at people who won’t have any interest in them, then you’re going to end up wasting a lot of time and cash. Or worse, you’ll attract bad-fit team members who’ll leave as quickly as they started.

Instead, try to narrow down who it is you want to target.

The easiest way to do this is to look at your current employees and find one you wish you could duplicate. Choose an employee that works to high standards, is reliable, and always gives their best.

By writing your job listing with this employee’s traits and interests in mind, you can find more people who are like them. Focus on their ambitions, what they enjoy about the job, and highlight these in your job description.

Pro Tip: Avoid attracting bad fit employees by writing clear, in-depth job descriptions to ensure that those who are applying know what to expect for the position. 

2. Figure out where you can reach your dream employees

Man looking for a job online

So you’ve got your job listing down, and you know who you’re targeting, but do you know where these dream employees hang out online?

It would be a waste of time, energy, and money to post a job listing on Twitter if none of your target audience was there. The same goes for job sites; if your potential employees aren’t checking those sites, then you’re going to waste your time and money.

So, make sure you’re advertising your job opening on the right social platforms. If you have no potential employees on Facebook for example, then don’t advertise your job there. Instead, figure out what social media platform they like to hang out with and post your job listing there.

Also, don’t send out a mass email with the sole purpose of advertising the position to your entire email list – not all of them will be looking for a job and might find it irritating. Annoying your audience will only damage your brand reputation. Instead, feature it as a small banner on your monthly newsletter.

Do some research to find out where your target workforce spends their time online. Remember to keep in mind that they may not be looking for a job, but if your offer is too good to pass up, they might just consider applying.

Job sites like might not be the place where your perfect employee is looking for a job. If you’re looking for a high-end fabricator, you might end up with a bunch of job applications from pipefitters from Texas. Try to look for your perfect candidate in places where they’ll be. No point fishing in a pond with no fish!

Pro Tip: Just because you found employees on a certain platform a couple of years ago doesn’t mean they’re still there now. Do research to find out where your potential employees are hanging out to make sure that each time you’re hiring you find the best team possible.

3. Find your advocates

What better way to attract the right kinds of employees than by getting your current employees to post about how brilliant you are to work for.

If your employees are promoting your business online, it’ll reflect how positive your working environment is. Ask your current employees to post about you online, and then you can share their posts on your company’s social media or even post employee stories on your website. Video testimonials from staff are a great addition to your careers page on your website.

Pro Tip: It’s a great idea to include some quotes from your employees in your job listing to make your shop sound more appealing to work for.

4. Show off what makes your shop unique

Man going online looking for job

Showcasing what makes you a unique auto restoration, performance, or restyling shop to work with will attract experienced, talented workers eager to be part of your team.

They’ll see how amazingly awesome your company is and want to work with you over your competitors.

64% of candidates always research a company online and if you don’t have information available on your shop then you might lose a potential star employee. 37% of candidates will often move on to another job opening if they can’t find any information on the company they’re applying to work for.

To ensure these jobseekers apply to work in your shop:

  • Post interior photos of your shop
  • Show off your work areas
  • Show off images of past and present projects that have been your shop
  • Show off awards that your shop has won
  • Give potential employees a sneak peek of what they’ll be working on
  • Update your website with valuable information about your company

Everybody wants to have employees that make their business shine, and by showing off what makes your company badass, you’ll get the best workers looking to work with you.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to tell your potential employees about all the benefits of working with you too. You can also ask your current employees what they think makes you unique to get a bit of an insider scoop. 

5. Make sure your website matches your company

After seeing your job offer, the next thing a potential employee will do is check out your website.

If your website looks old, outdated, and not up to modern standards, then they may not be interested in working with you at all. They don’t want to work for a company that doesn’t care about their reputation. Make sure you keep your site up to date and looking professional.

Check to make sure your site:

  • Make sure that your website is up to date, mobile ready and professional looking
  • Is updated with all the latest information about your shop and your work
  • Has a consistent voice and tone that matches your job advertisements
  • Has plenty of images showing what the workplace is like
  • Has content that’s easy to read and understand
  • Highlights employee testimonials on the careers page

Pro Tip:Your website has to be updated regularly, not just once every couple of years, be sure to add relevant news, publications, and other recent achievements to your website…

Please head on over to the Motorhead Digital Blog for the rest of this article.

Barry is the founder of Motorhead Digital, providing signature Marketing Maximizer™ programs specifically developed for auto restoration, performance, and restyling shops. These programs are geared towards customer acquisition and conversion to keep those project bookings coming. With over 24+ years of experience in digital marketing and web development, Barry’s goal is to help clients market and grow their shops through strategic marketing practices. You can reach him at (585) 766-9785[email protected] or online at

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