1968 Dodge Series D – Barn Drop
FollowVehicle Quick Facts
Profile ID: 12520
Year: 1968
Make: Dodge
Model: Series D
Markets: Driven Daily, Rod & Custom
Vehicle Type: American
Contact: Welder Series Inc.
Vehicle Story
I first saw this truck almost 10 years before I bought it at my chiropractor's adventure farm. We'd take our (then) two year old to see his animals, corn maze, and other fun outdoor activities. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I saw it and I liked the body lines. I could picture it slammed, just as it sat there in the field.
I'd be exaggerating if I said I asked him about it every appointment, but it was probably close! I gave it a break recently (for a few visits anyways), and then out of the blue he asked if I was still interested! I'd been asking for so long that I wasn't sure if he was joking, but he had recently sold his farm and didn't have the same amount of space to store stuff like pickup trucks. A few nights later, I went down to have a look. I had a few items on my mental checklist... good interior, decent body, good frame. I didn't want to do any interior work, zero body/paint work, and the frame had to be good because I was going to be installing our chassis parts and I needed a good foundation. A bonus was that someone had installed a 318 at some point, and once it had a bit of gas in the tank it fired up and ran great.
I installed a install a Welder Series Mustang II crossmember in the front, a triangulated four link in the rear, our Chrysler motor mount kit, and various other parts in between. I printed the knobs to control the Vintage Air Magnum system. They match the truck’s original knobs but have a D hole in the back for the Vintage Air shafts.
You can follow the build on our website: http://welderseries.com/category/shop-truck/
Tech Sheet
- Links/Kits:
- Air Ride Controls:
- Air Suspension:
- IFS:
- Sway Bars:
Welder Series Inc. - 3/4” solid rear bar, 1” solid front bar.
- Heat & AC:
Vintage Air - Magnum system works terrific. I printed the knobs to match the originals.